Friday, October 18, 2013

Book: Objects Of Affection

I realised that this post has been saved in my drafts for more than 2 months! School has taken my time away from reading books and doing other recreational activities. Fortunately, i am reminded of the joy of reading books when i was strolling in school and i saw this make shift book store. Just like that, $25 flew out of my pocket though i would say that it was worth it because i bought 2 books. Cheap cheap ah. I cant wait to be lost in the mythical world yet again.

But let us get back to the gist of this post. Objects of Affection. Beautifully written. I thoroughly enjoyed it though i prefer Alvin Pang's What Gives Us Our Names. Anyhow, the author is a law professor in NTU! I was mildly excited about that fact though im not studying law and i absolutely have no clue how the author looks like.

Still, i have something to recognise him/her by: signature.

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